Active Plus
Functional Organic
Soil Improver
Humic Active Plus is a functional organic Soil Improver with Billions of Positive Microorganisms.
Very High content of Humic Acids. Comprehensive and innovative composition: Positive Bacterial Microflora, beneficial Mycorrhizal & Trichoderma fungi and growth-promoting enzymes.
Humic Acid: 90%
Trichoderma and Mycorrhiza fungus: more than 10 millions/g;
Positive bacteria: Actinobacteria, spore-forming, fluorescent bacteria,
Pseudomonas, phosphorus, cellulolytic Azotobacter, Bacillus;
Micro and macro elements: N, P2O5, K2O, MgO, CaO, Fe, Mn;
Coloidal silica;
Soil proteins;
Growth substances - vitamins, auxins and organic acids;
Cellulose, polysaccharides;
Increases the profitability of production;
Improves the quality of agricultural crops;
Improves the content of available macro and micro elements;
Increases organic matter of soil;
Improves crop respiration and photosynthesis;
Stimulates the strong development of the root system and parts of plants;
Supports plant development;
Enhances water holding capacity of soil;
Reduces soil erosion and improves workability of soil;
Regulates the release of nutrients;
Bacteria of the Bacillus - produce natural enzymes that stimulate plant growth and
reduce the occurrence of soil diseases;
Improves the content of available Potassium;
Phosphorus bacteria – make phosphorus available;
Azoto-bacteria – bind and make atmospheric nitrogen available to plants;
To the soil:
10 liters Humic Active Plus + 300 liters water / 1 hectare. Only two times per season - before sawing and after the harvest.
20l canister
1000l tank
Components & Dosing ->
Methods of the application

Irrigation System

Tractor Sprayer

Irrigation in Greenhouses & Hydroponic