Volcanix® Humic
Harvest Mg+S
Highly Effective Organic
and Mineral
Soil Improver
Humic Harvest Mg+S is a highly effective organic and mineral granulated agent improving soil condition.
It contains concentrated humic acid as well as macro and micro elements in the form that restrict their elution effectively.
Organic matter: 20%
Humic Acid: 60%;
Calcium CaO: 15%;
Magnesium MgO: 4,5%
Sulphur S: 9%;
Improves the quality of agricultural crops;
Improves the content of available macro and micro elements;
Increases organic matter of soil;
Improves crop respiration and photosynthesis;
Increases the sorbent abilities of soil even by 10 times;
Enhances water holding capacity of soil;
Positive effect on the development of the root system and the condition of plants;
Reduces soil erosion and improves workability of soil;
Regulates the release of nutrients;
Azoto-bacteria – bind and make atmospheric nitrogen available to plants;
Corrects the acidifying operation of mineral fertilizers which are physiologically acid;
To the soil:
100-300 kg per hectare every year before sowing. Dose depends from the pH of the soil.
20kg bag
1000kg bigbag